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Caroline Tompkins was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona and graduated from her hometown's public schools. She earned a bachelor's degree in history from the University of Arizona and master's and doctoral degrees from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has worked as a classroom teacher, educational researcher, graduate-level university instructor, and elementary school principal. Following retirement from work in schools, she has been a public speaker on topics related to child abuse.
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Published by Sunflower Lexical
Caroline Tompkins' intimate memoir lets you perch on her shoulder through a day and a career in two Arizona elementary schools. Hear her talk with kids and teachers--and sometimes say the wrong thing. Listen to calls from parents who like her and ones who don't. Follow teachers who inspire and one who fumbles. Meet bosses who lead and others who get in the way. Find out how no two schools are alike and how experience is not always enough.